Rituximab versus Watch and Wait in the Management of Previously Untreated Asymptomatic Nonbulky Follicular Lymphoma

Rituximab versus Watch and Wait in the Management of Previously Untreated Asymptomatic Nonbulky Follicular Lymphoma
Slides from a presentation at ASH 2010 and transcribed comments from a recent interview with Bruce D Cheson, MD (12/23/10)

Ardeshna KM et al. An Intergroup randomised trial of rituximab versus a watch and wait strategy in patients with Stage II, III, IV, asymptomatic, non-bulky follicular lymphoma (Grades 1, 2 and 3a). A preliminary analysis. Proc ASH 2010;Abstract 6.

Dr Cheson is Professor of Medicine, Head of Hematology and Director of Hematology Research at Georgetown University Hospital’s Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center in Washington, DC.